
Fully ERC20 compliance

Nativo is fully ERC20 compliance, while the WETH contract is not, WETH doesnt emit a Transfer event from address(0) to the user after minting tokens.
This also happen when the user unwrap the tokens, WETH doesnt emit a Transfer event from the user to address(0) after burning tokens.

improvements gas savings

Better UX

Nativo propose an extension of WETH, besides the clasical deposit{value: AMOUNT}() and withdraw(uint256 amount) we have add some useful methods.

depositTo(address recipient)

This method is a combination of deposit and transfer, it will wrap the deposit amount and transfer the same amount to the recipient address.

NATIVO.depositTo{ value: amount }(recipient);
// is a replacement for:
WETH9.deposit{ value: amount}();
WETH9.transfer(recipient, amount);

withdrawTo(address recipient, uint256 amount)

This method is a combination of withdraw and eth transfer, it will unwrap the withdraw amount and transfer the same amount to the recipient address.

NATIVO.withdrawTo(recipient, amount);
// is a replacement for:
receive() external payable {
    require(msg.sender == address(WETH));
// ...
SafeTransferLib.safeTransferETH(recipient, amount);

withdrawFromTo(address from, address recipient, uint256 amount)

This method is a combination of transferFrom and withdraw, it will unwrap the amount from the from address, thay give approval to the contract and transfer the same amount of native currency to the recipient address.

NATIVO.withdrawFromTo(from, recipient, amount);
// is a replacement for:
receive() external payable {
    require(msg.sender == address(WETH));
// ...
WETH9.transferFrom(from, address(this), amount);
SafeTransferLib.safeTransferETH(recipient, amount);



Nativo is an ERC20 that allows gasless approval of tokens (standardized as ERC2612). This ERC allow approvals to be made via signatures, as defined in EIP-2612.


ERC-1363: Payable Token

There is no way to execute code after a ERC-20 transfer or approval (i.e. making a payment), so to make an action it is required to send another transaction and pay GAS twice.
Nativo tackle this using the ERC-1363, is a payable token, it implements the follow methods:

  • transferAndCall and transferFromAndCall will call an onTransferReceived on a ERC1363Receiver contract.
  • approveAndCall will call an onApprovalReceived on a ERC1363Spender contract.


Flashloans - ERC-3156

Nativo implementes the ERC-3156: Flash Loans . A flash loan is a smart contract transaction in which a lender smart contract lends assets to a borrower smart contract with the condition that the assets are returned, plus a fee of 0.1%, before the end of the transaction.
This let the protocol to lend an amount of tokens without a requirement for collateral, with the condition that they must be returned within the same transaction.

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